6 content ideas for your company page on Linkedin

Many of our clients want to build a strong presence on Linkedin, but keeping a company page up to date with regular content can be a challenge. There are currently more than 3 million company pages on Linkedin and reports suggest that users are almost 50% more likely to buy from a company they engage with on LinkedIn so it’s a missed opportunity if you don’t have a company page.

The first thing to note is that many larger organisations, such as Asda and Jewson, choose to focus all their Linkedin content on being a positive employer. We’ve found that this approach has its limitations for smaller businesses who aren’t employing hundreds of people. Although there are no rules when it comes to social media, we recommend updating your page at least twice a week with a variety of different posts to create a good balance and maintain your Linkedin presence. In a world where “content is king” you’ll need a plenty of ideas, so we’ve come up with six suggestions to help you to create engaging content to share.


  1. Job Opportunities

Job opportunities make for great Linkedin content. Although there is a built-in jobs function which isn’t too difficult to use, advertising new positions on your own page helps you to reach a wider audience thanks to the share, comment and like facilities. If applicants need to apply through your website, it’s still worth sharing a link on your Linkedin company page so that others in the industry know about it, as many applicants learn about them through online word of mouth. If you’re open to working with recruitment agencies, Linkedin is a good place to get the job spotted and if not, make sure you mention this in your update to avoid unwanted phone calls.

  1. Inside the Business

As we’ve already mentioned, recruiters and job seekers are increasingly using Linkedin as the main place to look for new opportunities, so demonstrating that your business is a great place to work makes great content. Many of our construction and manufacturing clients use charity events such as Christmas Jumper Day and the annual Macmillan Coffee Morning to do this, as both show a friendly and generous side to the business. Team photos get lots of engagement from this kind of update, so don’t forget to take photos to share across your social media channels!

  1. Case Studies

Not only are case studies interesting to read, they also demonstrate that you are a successful business and showcase what you have to offer. The best way to share these on Linkedin is by writing a short summary with a link back to your website. This keeps your update concise and easy to read, which is important in the fast paced nature of social media. Statistics also suggest that posts with links gain 45% more follower engagement and linking back to your website will also help to increase web traffic. Don’t forget to add in any photos to create a visual element for the update, this will make it stand out and again receive more engagement than a standard text post.

The advantage of case studies is that they’re timeless, so you can share both old and recent projects and they’ll still be relevant. So if you were a supplier for a large project or worked with a well-known brand a few years ago, it’s still worth shouting about it today. This type of content can also be recycled – the chances are people won’t remember a case study you shared six months ago so don’t be afraid to share it again, particularly if you’ve got new followers who will have missed it.

  1. News

A simple one, adding news to your updates is an easy way to keep your followers interested. This can be about a huge range of topics such as new staff, products, awards and new technology – when you start to think about it there are lots of things to share! If you have a company blog, this gives you the freedom to share more in depth news and industry related articles with your followers – make sure to share a link to each new post as this type of content is popular for sharing. It’s also worth sharing any relevant blog posts on Linkedin Pulse – this is a great way to highlight your company’s expertise and reach out to influential people in the industry. Great customer feedback is something that often gets forgotten about when updating social media pages, so use Linkedin as a platform for sharing any positive comments which helps to build up a good reputation with your followers.

  1. Special Offers

Linkedin is one of the best social media channels for interacting with potential customers, particularly in the B2B markets where senior staff and managers often have a profile. Sharing special offers is a great way to increase your followers and keep people coming back to your page, as it gives them an incentive to visit your website for more information to get the best prices. The key to social media is having a voice, so use Linkedin to show exactly why you stand out from your competitors, whether this is price, product choice or your global success, if a potential customer is looking for a new supplier, give them a reason to choose you.

  1. Company Literature

If your business has brochures that showcase all your products, then Linkedin is a great platform for sharing them. An easy-to-read PDF copy of your brochure provides your followers with a simple way to find out about your products in one place. You can upload this directly to Linkedin or share a link to it online, which is another great way to direct potential customers to your website. Many companies like to showcase individual products or categories, so use any graphics from your brochure to highlight them. This creates consistency across your brand on social media, and helps to reinforce your online presence.

If you’re looking for more information about how to keep your Linkedin page up to date, have a read of oursocial media tools blog which explains how Buffer can schedule your updates in advance.

Or if you’re looking for help with your social media management, get in touch to find out more about how we can help! Visit our website, call us on 01709 300130 or email hello@dragonflypr.co.uk.

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