7 Effective Digital PR Strategies to Boost SEO Rankings

Digital PR is a strategy that combines traditional PR tactics with digital marketing techniques to increase your brand's online visibility and authority. It often involves creating great content for your own website and for the media with the aim of securing back links.

Are you wanting to become a thought leader in your industry? Are you wanting to gain positive media coverage and grow your presence online? If you answered yes to both of those questions then you’re in the right place.

Keep on reading to discover 7 effective digital PR strategies to help boost your SEO ranking and online presence.


  1. Create High-Quality Content

Content is the foundation of any successful digital PR and SEO strategy. High-quality content refers to informative, and engaging content that provides value to your target audience. This can include blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, infographics, and videos. Don’t forget to optimise your content with relevant keywords to improve its visibility in search results. These keywords not only helps your blog to rank on search engines but it helps it get in front of the right audience. Click the link to learn more about how digital PR and SEO work together to improve your search engine ranking. (link this to the previous blog)


  1. Build Relationships with Journalists and Bloggers

Another strategy we’d recommend is to develop relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers in your industry. This will help you to leverage more visitors, views, reach and engagement. Don’t know how to establish a connection? Offer to provide expert insights, quotes, or guest articles for their publications. Like ourselves, there are dedicated PR agencies with long standing connections to the media, journalists and bloggers. We have a loyal list of media connections. Contact us for help with increasing your presence in the media. When your brand is mentioned or featured in their content, it can lead to valuable back links and increased brand visibility.


  1. Pitch Your Expertise to Industry Publications

Identify relevant industry publications and pitch your expertise to their editors. Offer to contribute guest articles on trending topics or provide expert commentary on industry news. When your articles are published, it not only establishes your brand as a thought leader but also generates back links to your website. Make sure to choose publications that are in your industry and appeals to your audience. Afterall, another goal of being featured in the media can be to generate leads or sales.


  1. Participate in Podcast Interviews

Podcasts have gained significant popularity in recent years and can be a valuable platform for showcasing your expertise. Reach out to podcast hosts in your industry and offer to be a guest on their show. Whether it’s a Q&A, interview, panel discussion or selling your services kind of podcast, this will show how involved you are positioning yourself as a thought leader. This allows you to share your insights, promote your brand, and gain back links through show notes and episode descriptions.


  1. Leverage Social Media

Social media is huge and it will only continue to grow. So, use social media platforms to amplify your digital PR efforts. But don’t use any platform. Do your research and find out which platform your target audience uses the most. Make sure you are posting consistently with high quality content so that the algorithm shares your content across people’s feed. Need some content ideas?

  • Share your media coverage, guest articles, and podcast interview.
  • Discuss a recent project or update
  • Shout about your achievements and team celebrations
  • Promote your services

But posting to social media isn’t enough. Make sure you take part in community management; answering comments and messages, sharing expertise on other people posts, following relevant businesses and people, reposting with insightful comments and engaging with your followers. Engage with industry influencers and participate in relevant conversations to expand your reach and build relationships.


  1. Monitor and Manage Online Reviews

Monitor online reviews of your brand. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and industry-specific review sites. Positive reviews can enhance your brand's reputation and improve your SEO rankings. You can also recycle some reviews for content on social media.

Make sure you are engaging with online reviews too. Whether good or bad, leaving a reply shows you’re active and taking the time to engage with customers who will appreciate the time spent to reply. Each reply will vary with negative reviews depending on the review and situation. But suggesting a solution to a problem, providing contact information, discounts, refunds, sharing your values are just a few tactics that businesses use.


  1. Track and Analyse Results

Regularly track and analyse the results of your digital PR and SEO efforts. Monitor your website's rankings, organic traffic, back links, and social media engagement. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics and social media analytics to gain insights into the effectiveness of your strategies and make data-driven optimisations.

By implementing these digital PR strategies, you can strengthen your brand's online presence, improve your SEO rankings, and drive more organic traffic to your website.


By leveraging digital PR tactics such as building relationships with journalists, creating high-quality content, and securing back links from authoritative websites, you can enhance your brand's authority, trustworthiness, and relevance in the eyes of search engines. Implement these strategies, track your results, and continually optimise your efforts to achieve long-term success in the competitive B2B landscape. Contact our friendly team for expert digital PR and social media services.

Call us on: 0114 349 5341