Busting six public relations myths

Public Relations still has a certain mystique and there are many myths and misconceptions about the work we do. Here, our PR team aims to shed light on six public relations myths to make working with and understanding a PR agency easier.


Public relations myth 1: PR is just for large companies

A common misconception about PR it that it is only affordable for large, well-established companies that have a big brand. However, the reality is that businesses of all sizes!

Many of our small and medium-sized construction and manufacturing clients find PR as an effective way of generating sales leads and a great return on investment.

There are many ways that PR campaigns can be cost effective – and it doesn’t always have to be done through traditional media relations.  For example, we run the social media accounts for a number of clients, enabling them to share their brand messages, build a following and a community in a cost-effective way. 

We also provide blog writing services and blogger outreach, creating fresh content for clients’ websites, at affordable rates, whilst securing backlinks from other sites. By debunking public relations myths, construction and manufacturing companies can access our wide range of PR services including writing content for their websites, brochures, social media, press releases, case studies, thought leadership articles and magazine features.

In addition, we help clients with their internal communications, to ensure employees are fully informed of developments within the company, as part of enhancing morale and motivation.

We don’t just stop there! We help our clients become award-winning businesses helping them to create content for award submissions in regional and business awards. This enables B2B companies to enhance their reputation and generate more awareness.

By providing a fully integrated PR and digital marketing service, we help construction, manufacturing and B2B businesses to effectively communicate their unique value proposition, strengthen their brand and cultivate meaningful connections with their target audiences.


Myth 2: All PR has to be done on a retainer fee basis

This public relations myth is one we hear often and it is one of the reasons to why businesses do not work with a PR agency because they do not want to be tied down.

As a PR agency, we carry out a range of different activities to meet all budgets, both small and large.  We tailor our activities according to your budget. This means, we are flexible to cater for clients who prefer an ad-hoc rate for a project, rather than working on a retainer fee basis.


Myth 3: PR is just about spin

Another public relations myth is that PR professionals are spin doctors who can spin a story to deflect attention away from some bad news. In reality, the majority of the work we do requires a deep understanding of our clients’ businesses and customers.

We do often partake in crisis management communications with client as and when needed, but our focus is on generating authoritative content which can help enhance their reputation, improve their google rankings or generate sales.

Our professional PR experts work hard to maintain a company's reputation and brand awareness through a variety of strategic initiatives. Our role involves creating compelling content that accurately reflects the company's values, capabilities and unique selling points. 

We also identify and build relationships with industry influencers, media outlets and other key stakeholders to raise awareness and generate more engagement for clients.

We have built a reputation over the last 20 years for helping construction and manufacturing companies to raise awareness, enhance their credibility and position them as trusted industry leaders.


Myth 4: You cannot easily measure results from PR

This Public Relations myth is definitely not the case! Now, it’s much easier than ever to demonstrate tangible results from a PR campaign.  This can be done in a number of different ways including:

  • Reporting on website traffic and engagement data, such as time spent on site, bounce rate, and conversion rates.
  • Social media analytics, including reach, engagement, and sentiment.
  • Media coverage analysis, including volume, reach, and sentiment.
  • Sales lead generation and sales data, to track the impact of PR on the sales funnel.
  • Brand awareness and reputation surveys, to assess the company's standing among key stakeholders.
  • Monitoring and reporting on backlinks generated and Domain Authority.

By providing monthly reporting, our PR team can demonstrate the value of their efforts and continuously refine their strategies to deliver maximum impact.


Myth 5: PR can take a lot of the management team’s time

One myth that we are really keen to dispel is that PR is time consuming for marketing directors and managers.

However, the reality is that working with a PR agency can actually enhance and support the sales and marketing functions, taking up far less time than other marketing activities. 

Because our PR team has an in-depth understanding of the construction and manufacturing sector, we can work largely unaided on magazine articles and other forms of content.  We often get involved in technical presentations and webinars run by our clients to get up to speed with their particular product range and expertise.


Myth 6: PR is completely separate from marketing

This public relations myth claims that PR is separate from other marketing tactics and strategies which is definitely not the case. In fact, PR and marketing work hand in hand as we often adopt a multi-channel PR and marketing approach when increasing engagement, reach and leads for our clients.

Our PR team are an integral part of our client’s marketing or communication team, to ensure consistent brand messaging and a cohesive customer experience.

The most successful campaigns are when our clients allow us to integrate into the business and to generate content based on our understanding of what attracts and engages your customers.  We utilise our strengths in creating content for digital and printed media, so construction and manufacturing companies can unlock the true potential of PR for their business.


Public relations myths debunked

At Dragonfly PR, we are committed to unlocking the potential of your construction, building products or manufacturing business.  We provide dedicated PR solutions that enhance the brand reputation of the company, enabling you to attract the top talent and achieve your strategic objectives.

We invite you to connect with us and we can demonstrate how PR can create tangible results, whether that be increased sales enquiries, raised awareness or improved web rankings.

For a free no-obligation review of your PR, social media and digital marketing requirements, please call 0114 349 5341 or email hello@dragonflypr.co.uk

Call us on: 0114 349 5341