Executive profiling will level-up your social media game

In this blog, we look at how executive profiling can help your business reach its social media goals.

LinkedIn is a fantastic platform for company executives to show their human side, share their mission and vision for the business and to build relationships.  Research by Sprout Social found that 63% of people said that companies where their CEOs had strong social media profiles are better representatives of their companies that CEOs who do not.  In addition, 32% of consumers said that a CEO’s transparency on social media would inspire them to buy from a business.

But by executives, we aren’t just talking about CEOs, it could be anyone within your business that has a large following on social media. However, it is really important that customer facing executives have a robust social media profile and are optimising the use of LinkedIn for the benefit of the business.

What is executive profiling?

Within your business, there are likely to be a few employees that are excelling on social media (particularly LinkedIn). They could be the secret ingredient to hitting your business’ follower and engagement goals on social media.

The individuals identified as having large social media networks will post on their social media channels about the business (news, blogs, services etc.) to their vast following. This will increase brand awareness for your business by potentially thousands!

Simply put, executive profiling utilises key employees’ social platforms to both increase theirs and the business’ following, engagement and reach.

How to make the most out of executive profiling?

Posting about your business will increase brand awareness, but to really make the most out of executive profiling, there are a few things that your employees can do:

Tagging the business account/page – This will allow any of their connections to easily find the business page, and follow – if they are interested in learning more!

Using hashtags – Hashtags are another great way of encouraging their connections to find your company, or follow hashtags that are relevant to your company.

Linking back to the company website – Social posts are generally short, snippets of a bigger picture that the person is trying to portray, so adding a link allows anyone who is interested to find out more information. As obvious as it may seem, many people forget to include a link back to their website, so it’s important to ensure that all employees do this.

Adding contact information – By adding the company email address or phone number, any connections that are interested in placing an order with you, or finding out more, have an easy way of contacting the business, without having to find the number on your website.

What are the benefits?

Benefits to the business – Increasing your brand awareness will increase followers, engagement, and in turn, customer acquisition.

More followers on LinkedIn are great, but they also need to be engaged with your content. We design B2B social media strategies tailored to each client, and their audience. We know that your content needs to be engaging, but also informative, and our social media experts are on-hand to develop the right strategy for you! However, businesses blindly posting and not interacting with their audience (mainly due to lack of time!), can really harm any engagement The Dragonfly team create posts that promote a discussion in the comments section, and then we (with your approval) keep that conversation going! Then, any new followers are also likely to get involved in the conversation!

Benefits for the employee - This isn’t just beneficial for the business; employees can also benefit (which will help to get them on board!). It is likely that followers from the business page will transfer over to the employees’ page, because they are posting relevant content. So, in turn for boosting the business page, employees will benefit from increased connections in their network and potentially establish themselves as an industry expert.

Where do we start?

At Dragonfly PR, we work with our clients to find out what their goals are, before defining their strategy. As we are a results-driven PR agency, we want to ensure that we have key metrics that we need to meet (or exceed!).

We ensure that all employees that are involved in the programme have a social media guide to follow, as well as any brand guidelines.

Now for the fun part, creating the content! We work with the marketing team and the employee to create content that not only fits the brand, but also the tone of voice of the employee.

As mentioned, we are results-driven, so we evaluate all campaigns on a monthly basis, and this would be no different. Are we on track to meet your taregts? What’s working well? What needs to be changed? Do we need to use different employees? Do we need to include more employees in the programme?

And that’s how we get RESULTS for our clients! If you’re interested in growing your social media platforms, then you can take a look at our social media services here. Or get in touch with the social media team: hello@dragonflypr.co.uk / 0114 349 5345

Call us on: 0114 349 5341