How ESG PR campaigns build brand loyalty

June 5th marks World Environment Day, a reminder to protect and preserve the planet. More now than ever, environmental concerns are taking centre stage as businesses recognise the importance of ESG PR campaigns and communicating sustainable messages.

Customers are increasingly considering a company’s ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices and social impact before making a purchase, with 76% of consumers avoiding companies that neglect ESG issues. This shift is driven by growing awareness of environmental and social concerns over the years. Therefore, companies must highlight their ESG actions and initiatives in their PR campaigns to achieve long-term success and build brand loyalty.

Discover how ESG PR campaigns can help your company build brand loyalty to drive sales leads.


What is ESG?

First of all, let’s uncover what ESG really means. You may have heard this abbreviation before but do you really understand what it entails? Essentially, ESG is a set of standards that measure a company’s social and environmental impact.

  • Environmental: how a company minimises its impact on the environment.
  • Social: a company’s wider impact on society, communities, customers and employees.
  • Governance: the decision-making, processes and the company’s ethical behaviour.


What to include in ESG PR campaigns

Did you know that 91% of companies believe they have a responsibility to address ESG-related issues? An ESG PR campaign can help you highlight your ESG impact, showcasing your dedication to the environment, climate change, the community and your employees. This approach is essential for building customer loyalty, boosting employee morale, creating long-lasting partnerships, and ensuring business success. Here are a few tactics to include in your ESG PR campaigns.

  1. Transparent Communication

Being transparent is key when it comes to ESG. Businesses should communicate their ESG efforts clearly and honestly, whether in person or digitally. This often involves assessing and reporting on both successes and areas of improvement. When businesses openly communicate their ESG efforts, they build trust with their audience, customers and stakeholders.

  1. Clear Messaging

Communicating your ESG plan should sit at the core of your PR and communication messages. Be clear and provide evidence for your statements to avoid greenwashing. Tailored and clear messaging can help to enhance your profile and boost your reputation among consumers and investors.

  1. Storytelling with Purpose

Don’t just tell, showcase how your company is making a difference in local communities, the workplace and the environment. For example, reducing carbon emissions or volunteering at a local tree planting, litter pick or charity event.

  1. Social Impact

ESG PR campaigns often involve community engagement. This provides opportunities for customers, employees and stakeholders to get involved in increasing their loyalty to your company.

  1. Leverage Digital Platforms

Utilise social media and other digital platforms to spread your ESG message and reach a wider audience. Create engaging content highlighting your company’s ESG milestones and initiatives while utilising visuals, infographics and videos to make the information more accessible and shareable.

ESG PR campaigns help businesses showcase their commitment to responsibility. By implementing a clear B2B PR strategy, your business can improve its reputation and build meaningful relationships with customers and stakeholders.

As B2B PR specialists, we collaborate with numerous companies to carry out ESG PR campaigns that effectively communicate complex ESG issues.

For more information about our ESG PR campaign strategies or B2B digital PR services, email or call 0114 349 5345.

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