How has PR helped shape the construction industry?

We are often asked why, as a PR and digital marketing company, we specialise in the construction sector. The answer to this is simple; it is an area that we have many years of experience and a track record of helping our clients, many of whom are building product manufacturers, achieve profitable growth. This experience gives us an excellent understanding of how to use PR and digital marketing to communicate the benefits of a range of building products and services to architects, contractors and housebuilders.

In a nutshell, our Public Relations (PR) campaigns are a highly effective method of making your company stand out in the marketplace. In fact, independent research shows that PR is seven times more effective at getting a message across than advertising, which for a complex or technical subject such as the specification of building products, is exactly what you need. For instance, you might be able to get across that your product helps meet building regulations requirements in an advertisement, but not the details of how and what accompanying products it needs to be specified with or how it should be installed. PR is the only effective method of communicated this and we commonly use thought leadership, white papers, blogs and step by step articles to do this.

Take for example windows. Within this element building regulations Parts L (Thermal performance, Part F (Ventilation) and Part E (Acoustic) apply, amongst others. However, it isn’t as simple as specifying a window that is Part L compliant, because the thermal performance of this product depends on other factors, such as thickness of cavity, whether it’s in a cavity closer and elevation and angle of the wall, amongst others. In this situation, a generic article or blog is an effective way of communicating all the options to the specifier and contractor.

The trade press articles we write have been proven to generate sales enquiries. They do this because they set out a range of options that provide specifiers and contractors with just enough information for them to pick up the phone and talk to you.

If you are looking for a PR company that specialises in the construction sector then we can help. Call our dedicated PR team on 01709 300130 or email

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