How to use PR and social media to generate export sales enquiries

Overseas markets can present significant sales opportunities. Often, firms find the best way of targeting these markets, in a low risk, cost effective way, is through an integrated PR and social media campaign.

The question, of course, is how to communicate effectively to potential customers when a) they may not speak the same language, b) they prefer using different communication channels to the UK and c) you are busy looking after your customers in the UK.

That’s where we can help. As an integrated PR and social media company with experience of helping clients target export markets, we can help you gain that important foothold into mainland Europe and beyond.

We’re currently working with a building products manufacture to target Germany, the largest economy in Europe, and have already secured a number of major press articles and reached an online audience of over 265,000. The potential is truly huge.

Here are five interesting facts about the German market that you may not know:

  1. Xing is the most popular social media network in Germany (as opposed to twitter).
  2. If you do set up a German Twitter account with the aim of engaging users then make sure that you post in German and link to local (German) newsworthy updates.
  3. In all social media, stick with quality over quantity. Keep it relevant and don’t bombard your audience.
  4. Paypal is still the number 1 payment option in Germany (as in most other countries!)
  5. Any URL with a .de suffix is the best for search engine optimisation. However, it’s still ok to use a .com suffix if it fits your website platform better.

Partnering with a PR and social media company that understands the regional differences around Europe is one of the most effective ways of creating overseas sales enquiries. Knowing, for example, that Germany is structured in a similar way to the UK, with local authorities responsible for regions could be an advantage if you are a building product manufacturer with experience of working with councils in the UK.

Being able to get this across this local understanding, combined with showing potential overseas specifiers how your product solutions can help them, through well placed press articles and social media, could set you apart from the competition.

To find out more about how we can help you grow your export sales, call us today on 01709 300130, or email;


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