PR for construction: effective content marketing to maximise your online presence

In today's digital age, the construction industry has significant opportunities to leverage PR, content marketing, digital marketing, and social media to maximise awareness and generate sales leads, taking advantage of tailored PR for construction.

Partnering with a construction PR agency not only takes away all the hassle, but it also means you benefit from a strategic, results-driven plan to achieve your objectives.


The benefits of content marketing and PR for construction companies

Effective content marketing and PR is crucial for construction companies to engage their target audience, showcase their expertise and enhance their online presence.

Building trust and credibility: By consistently sharing valuable and informative content, construction companies can establish themselves as industry experts, building trust and credibility with potential clients.

Engaging your audience: High-quality content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience helps keep them engaged and encourages them to return to your website and social media. At Dragonfly PR, a dedicated construction PR agency, we work with you to ensure a clear understanding of your audience, crafting tailored content and PR that resonates and drives meaningful engagement.

Improving search engine optimisation (SEO): Regularly updating your website with fresh, relevant content helps to improve your search engine rankings and drive sales enquiries. When creating content for your website, we follow SEO best practices to ensure your content is easily searchable and ranks well on search engines. We also produce content and PR for construction specific publications, enhancing your visibility through increased media exposure.


Content ideas for construction businesses

Here are some of the ways we can create content to increase your visibility and grow your business:

Blogs: Blogs are an excellent way to enhance your website's content, supporting both your internal and external link-building strategy. Partnering with a construction PR agency like Dragonfly PR ensures you benefit from our expertise and experience in writing blogs that offer insights on industry trends, products and innovations, successful projects, and thought leadership articles.

Videos: We can help your construction company create project walkthroughs, time-lapse videos of construction projects, and tutorials. Our PR for construction tactics help you build a personal connection with your audience by sharing video interviews with your team and clients.

Infographics: With a dedicated design studio, we can create infographics that simplify complex construction information, project success, timeliness and stats.

Whitepapers: We can develop in-depth whitepapers on your company's successes, product information, industry challenges, innovative construction methods, and sustainability practices. We can also create downloadable resources that provide valuable insights and solutions to common problems in the construction industry.

Email Newsletters: Send regular newsletters to your subscribers, featuring your latest blog posts, videos, and industry news. Drawing on our experience in creating PR for construction, we can also creating compelling content for newsletters. This helps to engage your audience, ensuring they stay informed about your company's latest updates and industry trends.

Social Media: Utilise platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram to share your content. LinkedIn, in particular, is ideal for connecting with industry professionals and potential clients. We can create a social media schedule filled with engaging content for your social media channels, helping you reach a wider audience and create meaningful connections within the industry.

As a construction PR agency, we specialise in creating content tailored to you and your audience. With 20 years’ experience of managing PR campaigns for construction, we have the background knowledge and insights necessary to understand what your audience is searching for. This understanding forms the foundation of our content creation process.


Why work with a construction PR agency?

At Dragonfly PR, we have a strong relationship with media contacts across the UK. This means we can use our knowledge and extensive list of contacts to gain coverage in local media or industry publications such as, Construction News, Building, Selfbuilder and Homemaker, Architect’s Journal, Built It, and RIBA.

Positive media coverage not only boosts your visibility but also adds an extra layer of credibility to your company. Potential clients are more likely to trust a construction firm that has been recognised by reputable sources.

PR for construction combines a multichannel strategy utilising social media, content creation, SEO, media relations, and digital campaigns into a cohesive PR campaign. With this approach, we can optimise your online presence, attract and retain clients, and build a strong reputation for your business.

For more information on PR for construction and how to increase your online presence email or call 0114 349 5341.

Call us on: 0114 349 5341