Queens Awards – here’s our top tips!

qa logoUp and down the country, businesses are working hard on pulling together information for the prestigious Queens Awards for Enterprise, Innovation and International Trade.   Here at Dragonfly PR, we have already entered a number of clients– with the deadline of 30th September fast approaching.

Many companies recognise the benefits of working with an agency like Dragonfly PR to help prepare a Queens Awards entry – the advantage being that we are experienced in this area and have had many successful applications over the past 10 years.

Gaining a Queens awards is one of the best ways of giving your business extra credibility, both in the UK and internationally. For example, all the local and regional business papers carry a profile on the companies that are recognised in the awards and being associated with the Royal household still carries a lot of weight if you export products.

As we enter the last couple of weeks before the Awards deadline, here’s a few quick tips to help you achieve a positive result:

1)     Don’t exceed the word count, even by a couple oqa logof words.  It is really important that you stay within the limit and make your entry as concise and relevant as you can.  In doing so, make sure you answer the question!  It sounds obvious but it’s a common reason why some companies fall at the first hurdle.

2)     The figures are vitally important and are one of the fundamental areas on which your awards entry will be judged.  They must show consistent, high growth relative to your business sector.  It is important to remember to include any associated subsidiaries of your business in the figures, which is allowable.  Don’t make outlandish claims with your forecast figures though, unless they can be substantiated. And, you will be asked for audited accounts if you get through the first stage of the process, so make sure that your accountants are involved!

3)     Don’t forget to mention membership of any support organisations that have assisted you – such as UK Trade and Investment, Chambers of Commerce/Trade, Government Departments etc.  Give details of how you have benefited and how this has made a difference.

4)     Include supporting documents, wherever possible. This usually includes a requirement for a statement of Environmental responsibility, Health and Safety, plus a company organogram.  If you don’t already have them then, then it’s possible to create these documents from templates that are available and tailor them to fit your business.

5)     Once your entry is pretty much complete, give it to a couple of managers from different areas of your business and ask for their opinions.  They may spot something that can be improved upon, or extra information that can be added to enhance the application.

6)     If you are successful, then it’s important to involve all members of staff in celebrating the success.  It’s not just about a couple of key people being able to attend the Palace, but it’s a great opportunity to host a customer/staff event.  The Lord Lieutenant in the area will arrange a visit to your business and make an official presentation at your workplace, which is a great way to bring all the company together in a positive celebration of everyone’s contribution.

So if you need any last minute advice or support in preparing your Queens Awards entry this year, there’s still time to get in touch. Call our PR team now on 01709 300130 or email hello@dragonflypr.co.uk.

Call us on: 0114 349 5341