Top tips on generating good quality blog content

’m writing lots of blogs, why is my search engine ranking not improving?

We are often asked questions about how to improve search engine rankings for a website and generating good quality content. Google’s Panda Algorithm was one of the most revolutionary changes in search. It aimed to get rid of low quality content and in doing so make search results much more satisfactory.

As adding good quality content to a website is so important these days and writing a blog is one of the best ways to do this, here are our top tips for writing yours:

Make it authoritative and relevant

This may sound obvious, but it’s surprising how many people see a blog as being like a sales pitch and don’t actually give it an authoritative tone or make it that relevant to the reader.   Consider topics such as legislation, industry issues, really what concerns your customers – if you don’t know, ask them.

Tips really work

Well you’re reading this blog aren’t you? Top tips and advice work really well. Searching for information or advice is extremely popular online. A ‘how to’ blog post, with colourful pics and graphics can be a real winner, as they help engage the reader and work best when they give a step by step guide of how to do or make something – give it a try, or if you need a hand, let us know!

Video content

Your ‘how to’ blog should be backed up with a link to a video showing how to do your chosen area of expertise. Link from your blog to the video and tweet to it and you will see how much more engagement you get from your blog!

Don’t copy and paste

One of the main areas where websites of the past became unstuck was due to duplicate content. Copying and pasting the same article from another site to your own site, or having duplicate content on your website has led to some sites being blacklisted. So it’s essential to ensure that your content is authentic and authoritative.

Don’t keyword “stuff”

We all know that a blog has to have keywords in there, but you need to be very careful not to overstuff your content with keywords. Although Google regular changes and updates its algorithms, current wisdom on this suggests that overuse of keywords, or when they’re being used in a sales context – is a real no-no. Latest algorithm changes are all about making content more authentic and relevant and keyword stuffing is instantly recognised by many search engines and could lead to your site being penalised.

Keep up to date with algorithm changes relating to optimum length of posts

There is no hard and fast rule of thumb on this. It used to be that lengthy blogs, over 2,000 characters were better received by Google search, then things changed and blog posts were recommended to be no longer than 300 words. Expert guidance on this suggests that you won’t be penalised for generating good quality content between 300 to 500 words, with a realistic smattering of keywords.

If you need a hand with blog writing, keyword research or SEO in general, contact the Dragonfly team on 01709 300130 or email

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