Pride Month: How companies can show their support

Pride Month, held every June, is an opportunity for the LGBTQ+ community to advocate for their rights and celebrate their achievements worldwide. This often brings issues of diversity, inclusion and equality to light.

In the UK, celebrations can take the form of marches and festivals, providing a platform for the community to unite and raise awareness.

Companies can show their support for Pride Month and highlight an inclusive workforce in multiple ways. Here we explore why Pride month should be celebrated and how promoting inclusivity is crucial for business growth and success.

Why should Pride Month be celebrated?

Pride Month is a month-long celebration that recognizes the LGBTQ+ community and their contributions to society.  This month is a time to acknowledge the challenges faced by this community and to stand in solidarity with their fight for equality, acceptance, and human rights.

Pride Month is a reminder of the progress made in the LGBTQ+ community over the decades with rights and equality, with the Pride flag symbolising unity and inclusivity.


What does the Pride flag mean?

The traditional pride flag consists of six colours like a rainbow. It was created in 1978 by Gibert Baker to represent the LGB community but has since evolved to represent the entire LGBTQ+ community.

By displaying the flag, it shows solidarity and support for the LGBTQ+ community. The flag is often used in marches and Pride festivals to show unity. Each colour in the flag has a meaning:

  • Red - life
  • Orange – healing
  • Yellow - new ideas
  • Green – prosperity
  • Blue – serenity
  • Violet – spirit
  • Black/Brown - people of colour
  • White/Blue/Pink - the trans community


How can companies show support during Pride Month?

As society becomes accepting, supporting these celebrations not only builds trust with employees, making them feel safe and welcome at work, but it also builds a culture of acceptance. Discover how you can show your support this Pride Month.

Raise Awareness

  • Invite a guest speaker from the LGBTQ+ community to share their experience
  • Share educational resources on social media such as videos and articles about LGBTQ+ history and rights.
  • Hold EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion) training sessions for employees

Showing Support

  • Display the Pride flag in the office and online. Join others by changing your company's social media profile picture to the Pride flag, themed logos or banners.
  • Support a charity dedicated to driving change for the LGBTQ+ community.

Building an inclusive workplace

  • Review your company’s anti-discrimination and EDI policies.
  • Ensure company policies support LGBTQ+ employees such as, maternity and parental leave, healthcare benefits etc.

Promoting inclusivity

  • Share stories of LGBTQ+ employees and experiences of Pride events.
  • Use your company’s digital platforms to show support.
  • Advocate for change.


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