
Planning your PR and marketing for 2015?

At this time of year, many manufacturing and construction businesses are planning for 2015.

Here are 10 top tips for making the most of your marketing in 2015.


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Mobile friendly websites get a friendly boost!

For a while now, Google has been penalising websites which are not mobile friendly, and which provide a bad experience to the mobile user. In a bid to encourage more website owners to become mobile compatible, Google is now experimenting with rewarding those who do so with a ranking boost.

Google’s experimentation with boosting the rankings of a website which gives a positive experience for a mobile user comes as a natural progression from rewarding these websites with a “mobile friendly” label in search snippets.

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Looking for more Likes? Why not run a Facebook competition through our App?

We recently ran a hugely successful Facebook competition, which meant we generated over 1,600 ‘Likes’ in just twenty days!

Using the Facebook App that we designed, people had to ‘Like’ our Facebook page and answer a simple question for the chan
ce to win a John Lewis Christmas Hamper.

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The Christmas advert

No doubt you’ll all have seen, or at least heard about, this year’s Christmas adverts. And whether the Marks & Spencer, Coca-Cola or John Lewis Christmas advert gets your vote, one thing we can all agree on is that they’re all very sophisticated.

But this wasn’t always the way. Indeed, it wasn’t until the Victorian times that Britain saw its first printed Christmas advert.

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Back to Basics: Dragonfly PR’s Top Tips for the Perfect Twitter Profile!

Social media is great for engaging with current and potential customers, as well as promoting your products and services. Manyconstruction and manufacturing businesses have recognised the benefits of appointing Dragonfly PR to run proactive social media campaigns on their behalf.

These benefits include engaging directly with your customers, as well as potential customers, generating more traffic to your website (especially the news and blog pages) and engaging with relevant organisations or government bodies.

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Win a Christmas hamper with Dragonfly PR

In the run up to Christmas, we are giving you the chance to enter a competition to win a John Lewis Christmas Ham
per, worth £50!

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Needle in a large haystack

It is encouraging news from the Construction Products Association’s (CPS) latest forecast. They indicate that the construction sector will grow 23% by the end of 2018.

Think about that in terms of your company. If it just grew in line with the market, then your organisation would be 23% larger than what it is today. That’s 23% more sales and 23% more staff, for starters.

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Has Google’s Penguin update got you in a flap?

Google announced its long-awaited Penguin update recently (over a year since the last one!), so for our latest blog we thought we’d take a look at how version 3.0 has affected you.

Put simply, the Penguin algorithm aims to eliminate spam on the web and, although Google’s definition of spam is quite broad, a major factor of this is low quality, ‘manipulative’ links on, or linking back, to a site.

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Top tips to get the community on side!

For many construction and manufacturing businesses, especially those that operate close to residential areas, keeping the local community on side is really important.

Many organisations, both large and small, have seen what can happen when local people are not informed or consulted. Complaints can be raised with the Environment Agency, local authority, MPs and media. These can then result in bad publicity, harsh criticism and, in extreme instances, temporary or prolonged plant shutdown.

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Back to Basics – SEO tips and advice from Dragonfly PR

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, can be daunting for those who are new to digital marketing. However, it nee
dn’t be.

In this blog, we go back to the very basics of SEO – what it is and how it can help you and your business in ways that you may not have even contemplated before.

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Why Does a Construction Company Need PR?

Within the construction sector, customers can range from a homeowner refurbishing part or all of their property, through to an architect specifying for a large infrastructure project. Either way the principal remains the same – the more times that they read about your product or see it in the press or online, the more likely they are to understand how it can help them.

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Queens Awards – here’s our top tips!

qa logoUp and down the country, businesses are working hard on pulling together information for the prestigious Queens Awards for Enterprise, Innovation and International Trade.   Here at Dragonfly PR, we have already entered a number of clients– with the deadline of 30th September fast approaching.

Many companies recognise the benefits of working with an agency like Dragonfly PR to help prepare a Queens Awards entry – the advantage being that we are experienced in this area and have had many successful applications over the past 10 years.

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How to increase web traffic using social media

As well as being a great tool for interacting with customers and sharing promotional messages, social media is an effective way of increasing web traffic. We recently increased a client’s web traffic from social media by 121% in one month (compared to the previous year), with a focus on content from Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Here are some ways to increase your web traffic using social media.

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Do architects specify brands or company names?

Building product manufacturers and their marketing agencies can often overlook the fact that architects specify brands rather than company names. In fact, on the whole, there not that interested in company names and if you trawled through a pile of specifications, you’d find it’s predominantly brand names that are specified.

Logical, really, as we’re all influenced by brands. For example, when you buy a chocolate bar, you don’t go into a shop and ask for a Nestle, you ask for a Yorkie or Kit Kat (both made by Nestle)!

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5 reasons why you should consider having a new website

IHere at Dragonfly PR, we’re really excited because we’re just about to launch our new website!  There are a number of reasons why a new website is essential for a business. In this blog, we share with you the top 5 reasons why it’s a good idea to have your website re-designed at least once every two years….

For a fresh approach to website design, contact our digital team on 01709 300130 or email

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