
How to grow your export sales

As a B2B marketing agency, we are often asked the question by UK companies; how can you help us grow our export sales?

Export sales are good for everyone. It helps businesses grow sales in new markets and as reported by the UK recovery will not be sustained by consumer spending alone. Put simple, the UK needs to export more.

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What’s happened to the Bond Villains’ lair?

So with the launch of Spectre last week, everyone’s talking about its lack of a ‘Bond Villain’s Lair’ – the archetypal feat of modernist imagination – the Crab Key of Dr No, the half-boat-half Spaceship on ‘the spy who loved me’ or the rocky outcrop hideaway in Thailand for the ‘man with the golden gun’.It’s all been gone and replaced with more ‘real’ architecture of the rooftops of Mexico city and the shadowy streets of London, plus the new intelligence HQ being a tower on the banks of the Thames.

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Looking for help with PR and digital marketing to the rail sector?

Rail is a growth sector (HS2 alone could be worth £32bn to the construction industry) that many of our clients target.  Ongoing rail upgrades, major London underground projects and the potential with HS2 and HS3 are just some of the reasons that the rail sector is becoming very appealing to suppliers. Here at Dragonfly PR, our team has over 10 years’ experience in implementing PR campaigns and working closely with the online and offline rail media to generate enquiries from train operating companies.

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Why blogs are such great PR tools

Blogs are becoming an increasingly part of any PR and digital campaign. Here we look at some of the reasons why well written blogs can have some an important impact.

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Top tips on generating good quality blog content

’m writing lots of blogs, why is my search engine ranking not improving?

We are often asked questions about how to improve search engine rankings for a website and generating good quality content. Google’s Panda Algorithm was one of the most revolutionary changes in search. It aimed to get rid of low quality content and in doing so make search results much more satisfactory.

As adding good quality content to a website is so important these days and writing a blog is one of the best ways to do this, here are our top tips for writing yours:

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How to use PR and social media to generate export sales enquiries

Overseas markets can present significant sales opportunities. Often, firms find the best way of targeting these markets, in a low risk, cost effective way, is through an integrated PR and social media campaign.

The question, of course, is how to communicate effectively to potential customers when a) they may not speak the same language, b) they prefer using different communication channels to the UK and c) you are busy looking after your customers in the UK.

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Top tips on planning for Q4 of 2015

For many businesses, the bulk of sales come at the end of the year, so planning your PR and marketing for Quarter 4 is really important.

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The importance of businesses engaging on social media

It’s an inescapable part of life that businesses and individuals are increasingly using Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook in the West. Our friends over in China use a similar service to Twitter and Facebook called Sina Weibo, and as we all know, the Far East isn’t a market you can just ignore!

In this blog post, I’ll take a look at why your business needs to reach out to its customers through social media.

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#ashescycle #fundraising #pr #socialmedia #success

“Are you happy to get involved again in promoting our national cycle challenge to coincide with this year’s Ashes Test Series?” this was the question we were asked by James Bedingfield from Investec Wealth & Investment, back in January. Our PR and social media team jumped at the chance, after the huge fundraising and media success of the Investec Ashes Cycle Challenge in 2013.

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Why you need a content calendar

Here we look at some of the reasons why it’s great to have a content calendar to give the best social media results…

There’s a great buzz at the moment about content marketing, so here we look at an essential part of this – the content calendar – and the reasons why you need one.

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Google Analytics – Back to Basics

So, you have a new website and before your web designer moves on to his/her next project, make sure they set up Google Analytics to allow you to monitor and track visitors to your website.

Google Analytics is great for monitoring how many people visit your site, where visitors are landing, how long they spend on pages, plus much more.

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Top 5 tips for using PR to generate sales enquiries

If you are on the lookout for high quality sales leads, here’s how you could use PR to your advantage.

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Marketing for manufacturers – top tips!

In the second in our series about marketing for manufacturers, we give you another top five tips to make the most of your marketing budget.

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One minute guide to social media

In our regular One-minute Guide, we share some of our expertise from 15 years’ experience in the construction sector. In this month’s guide we look at social media:

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Top tips for manufacturers to maximise their marketing budget

Manufacturers often have the debate – do we really need to market ourselves?

It’s tempting to think that if you stick to what you do best ie designing and manufacturing good products, then people will buy from you.

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