
Do I still need to produce a brochure?

It’s fair to say that all marketing agencies and their clients have welcomed the ‘Digital Age’ – it allows you to better target customers, communicate directly with them and, when done in a targeted way, can be lower cost than, for instance, mailing out brochure.

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Do building product manufacturers need an online presence?

We have heard a lot in the press recently about the construction industry and how it is on the road to recovery. However, this return to ‘normality’ seems to occur in fits and starts – one quarter construction is ahead and then the next we hear dire warnings that it is all coming to a grinding halt.

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Looking for help with entering awards?

You may have read our blog about how to approach the Queens Awards so we were delighted when our client President Engineering Group Ltd (PEGL) was selected to receive the prestigious Queen’s Award for International Trade recently, with our help and guidance.

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We welcome the mobile friendly algorithm!

The day that Google’s latest algorithm change comes into effect and experts have warned that it could impact more sites than the Panda or Penguin updates!

The algorithm focuses on penalising the search engine ranking position of websites which are not ‘mobile friendly’ and do not provide a good user experience to those visiting from a mobile device.

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Tugging on the heartstrings

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an important part of many companies’ core values. Putting something back, whether it is through allowing staff to take part in volunteering programmes as part of their work, donating to charities or helping out in the local community, can have a huge impact not only on morale and motivation, but also on how stakeholders view a business.

Many of our Public Relations campaigns involve maximising media coverage of CSR activities.  However, it can be difficult for a company to decide exactly where it should spend its resources.  Here are some tips that could help businesses to get the most out of their CSR.

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Why not to buy followers on social media

The idea of quickly gaining followers and appearing more influential online sometimes appeals to users, but here’s a great example of why you should stick to trying to engage genuine, authentic followers

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#Hashtag your way to social media success

Hashtagging can be a great way to promote your brand, but there’s a fine line between being savvy and alienating your audience.

A hashtag is created to group together messages on a particular topic. It’s a valuable tool for tracking the success of social media campaigns, as well as encouraging people to discuss a particular issue or theme.

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Why organic search is best

A question we are regularly asked by our business-to-business clients is ‘should we be spending on Adwords?’

Google Adwords or PPC (Pay Per Click) is certainly the only guaranteed way to get your business on page one for key search terms, but does the spend really warrant the result for companies in the construction and manufacturing sectors?

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Was Ecobuild a hit or a miss?

There has been much discussion over the past few years as to whether Ecobuild, the construction industry’s largest sustainability, design and energy event, is still ‘what it used to be’. In our latest blog, we look at whether Ecobuild 2015 has lived up to expectations.

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The power of PR and Social Media for manufacturers

Over the last few months we’ve had a large number of enquiries from manufacturers and engineering companies looking for help with their Public Relations and Social Media.

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Ilkley in the news!

Newsletters are a great way to reach out to customers, informing them of developments within a business and inviting them to take a look at exciting new products and services.  We recently designed a newsletter for Ilkley Windows, a conservatory centre based in the picturesque town of Ilkley.

The newsletter which was printed and distributed to 15,500 homeowners, informed them about the company’s new showroom refurbishment and gave them the chance to win a composite door worth £800. 

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10 ways to make sure you get the most out of an MP or Minister’s visit

So your manufacturing or construction business has been growing, maybe taking on new staff, developing new technologies or expanding internationally?  Sound like a good idea to invite an MP or Cabinet Minister to visit?  Well here are some top tips to help make your visit a success.

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Why you need a blog

As we are well and truly in the digital age, the importance of a website to a business is universally accepted, but the importance of a blog on that website is often overlooked.

Here are our top five reasons why you really should get blogging:

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Taking a global approach to PR

Often manufacturers approach us with the question, do you work globally as well as in the UK?  Without a doubt in the past 10 years, one of the major trends in PR has been globalisation.  Virtually all the clients we work with have some requirement for international PR.

Many of our manufacturing clients secure 80% of their business overseas, so it is imperative that the majority of our PR efforts are concentrated on global media opportunities.

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When PR pushes on an open door

The other day an industry colleague asked me to share a few of my favourite ways that manufacturers of construction products can gain press coverage through PR. My first thought was: well, that’s an insensitive request because the only thing you have to do is use a PR agency that specialises in the construction sector.

Of course they knew that we specialise in the construction sector, which is why clients come to us for ideas on how to gain coverage. So, in the interests of sharing knowledge, here are our top three methods of gaining maximum press coverage

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