
Why PR and quality content marketing is a good investment!

Well it’s coming to the time of year when b2b marketing managers start reviewing their budgets for the year ahead.     The inevitable question will be how much budget should be allocated to each of the marketing disciplines, PR, digital marketing, social media, SEO and which will deliver the best ‘bang for your buck’.

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Reasons to be cheerful in 2016

Here are our top 10 reasons to be cheerful in 2016

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What are the benefits of blogging for building product manufacturers?

The benefits of blogging are undisputable. It has been proven, time and time again that blogs work by increasing the number of visitors to a website. In fact, they often account for up to 60% of visitors. Or, to put it another way, if you’re not currently blogging, you’re missing out on around two thirds of traffic.

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Roll out the red carpet, the awards season has arrived!

The sheer number of business awards there are to enter is a sign of how popular entering awards has become over the years.  At this time of year, we are discussing with our clients the many different awards they may like to be entered into, whether it is regional business awards, industry specific awards or major national awards such as National Business Awards and the Queen’s Awards.

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Why we’re supporting UK Construction Week!

Many industries have their own national awareness day, week, or even month.  Soon it will be the turn of the construction industry, with UK Construction Week starting on 18th October.

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How do I create a Superbrand?

Building product manufacturers often ask us about how they can make their brand a leader in their market sector. There’s not, as you would expect, an easy or quick answer to that, although, in this blog, we look at one of the best ways of achieving this goal.

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Why B2B companies should be using LinkedIn.

On several occasions we’ve spoken with clients about the importance of maintaining a presence on social media and one of the points we often like to make is the value of having a LinkedIn profile. More than 90% of the UKs B2B companies are now on LinkedIn. As the world’s largest professional network, LinkedIn has more than 433 million members in 200 countries around the globe and is proving to be a valuable social media outlet for B2B organisations.

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Making the most of Facebook competitions

Facebook, love it or hate it, it’s here to stay and, with around 1 billion users worldwide, many businesses are recognising how they can get the most out of this popular social media channel. Facebook competitions are a great place to start.

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Does social media have its own etiquette?

Social etiquette is no longer about knowing which knife and fork to use, but is much more about how you behave on social media.  Recently a couple of clients have asked our social media team about blocking people on Twitter and whether there is a way to politely decline accepting people on Linkedin that they didn’t want to connect with.  It set me contemplating the question, does there need to be a guide to social media etiquette?

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Office skills- ‘how to’ make the perfect cup of tea

So, you’ve recently graduated and now have branched out into the exciting world of PR.  Of course, there’s lots to learn, press cuttings, Google Analytics, Twitter reports, branding, so much your head may be spinning, but what about making the perfect cup of tea!  This age-old art is dying somewhat as often graduates coming into PR these days just drink soft drinks or cold drinks, but certainly not tea or coffee.  But what about when the client comes in to a meeting and guess what, you’ve been asked to make a cup of tea. It may sound odd, but the way you handle this situation and present yourself and the clients drink does matter. So what do you do? Go into a mild panic, or chill out and read this simple guide to making the perfect cup of tea.

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Are you ready for Rio?

London 2012 was nicknamed the first ‘Social Media Olympics’, with 10m games-related tweets sent every day.  This year, the International Olympic Committee is anticipating that there will be approximately 3.6 bn global views of the games, with more than 3 billion people using hand held mobile devices while watching the games, which will result in twitter users far exceeding those of 2012.

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Top manufacturing industry blogs to look out for

With a growing demand from manufacturers for quality online coverage, knowing which are the best blogs to target is essential. As a PR and digital agency that specialises in the manufacturing sector, we’ve put together a list of the top 10 industry blog sites to help get you in front of customers and improve your company’s search engine ranking.

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Are builders and contractors influenced by brands?

As consumers, we all know that certain brands appeal to us. Whether it’s buying food, clothes or cars we can’t get away from the values that are imprinted in our mind.

When it comes to brands in the building and construction sector, their influence is more subtle, but still as far reaching. For instance, we can all think of time-served builders and contractors that refuse to use any other branded product than the one they have always used! These ‘generic trademarks’ include Stanley knife (not all knives are made by Stanley), Yale lock, JCB or Bulldozer for any tracked site vehicle.  The brand name has become the product name – success!

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Why SEO works best as part of an integrated PR campaign

Over the past five years, the most noticeable change to happen in the world of PR is that SEO has become an integral part of our remit. 

Gone are the days when you needed real ‘techies’ with all sorts of tricks up their sleeves to do your SEO.  These days, thanks to Google’s algorithm updates, content is key, rather than black hat techniques.  Those websites that generate good quality, authentic and regularly updated content rank more highly with Google. 

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Seven good reasons to build relationships with local schools

Clients often ask us if we can help them to build relationships within their local community and schools are a great place to start.

As a South Yorkshire based PR agency, we work closely with clients to improve both their community engagement and their media relations and secure long term productive relationships between businesses and schools.  Many of our clients reap huge benefits from working directly with local schools and colleges, here are just some of the reasons why we believe it is so important. 

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