
Planning a PR or digital marketing campaign for 2021 - we can help

Here we take a look at why it's even more important this year to review PR and digital marketing activity and our team gives some top tips on planning for the year ahead.

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Why choosing the right B2B PR agency is important

Our Public Relations team looks at why it is more essential than ever for construction companies to ensure they are working with the right PR and marketing agency. 

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What does a PR company actually do?

It may sound a strange question, but what does a PR company actually do? 

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How PR can help B2B food businesses reach consumer markets

As retail and hospitality businesses continue to experience a significant drop in sales as a result of Coronavirus restrictions, B2B food and drink suppliers working with these companies are exploring new ways to regain the revenue they have lost, including moving into consumer sales. Here our PR team looks at how public relations can help you make this move.

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Digital strategy helps B2B firms in Coronavirus fightback

Dragonfly PR offers advice for B2B businesses on how to make the most of the new digital selling opportunities brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic.

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Why there has never been a better time to get your social media back on track

The nights are drawing in and winter's just around the corner - here Marina looks at why now is a great time to get your social media back on track.

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Making better use of your exhibition budget in 2021

The Dragonfly PR team discusses why businesses are investing their exhibition budget for 2021 into other marketing activities.

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Why digital platforms are the new face of Public Relations

Public relations (PR) has changed dramatically in the last few years. Whilst it still involves connecting businesses with potential customers via high quality written content, the emphasis now is firmly on digital platforms - here, our Digital Marketing team explains why.

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Marketing tips for businesses looking to regain lost ground following UK lockdown

Following the UK lockdown, many companies are now able to return to ‘business as usual’ or as near as possible. Now is the time to really concentrate on how you communicate with customers to ensure you can recover lost ground and ensure future growth and prosperity.

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Why it's important for businesses to include PR in their marketing strategies

As the UK lockdown continues to ease even further, Dragonfly PR’s content marketing and public relations team looks at why it is still important for businesses to review their marketing strategies and introduce PR into the mix. 

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Entering new markets - why companies need PR

As we move beyond the lockdown and companies start to look at how they can grow their sales back to pre-Covid levels, new markets are always going to feature highly in a business development plan. Here we look at how Public Relations can help you effectively target these new markets, whether they are in the UK or overseas. 

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When is a good time to start a PR campaign?

In this latest blog we answer some of the most frequently asked questions from new clients looking to start a Public Relations campaign for the first time.

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Why manufacturers should be sharing news about their innovations during COVID-19

As lockdown measures in the UK start to ease, there is still a great requirement for manufacturers across the country to support in the fight against coronavirus. Already we have seen many within our region using their skills and expertise to support the cause by adapting their manufacturing processes to develop essential PPE and machinery parts for use in healthcare.

Here, our PR team looks at why, during these unprecedented times, it is beneficial for businesses to share details of their innovative techniques through a strategic public relations campaign.

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The importance of digital marketing and content creation in a crisis.

As the UK inches out of lockdown, companies are turning their thoughts to how they can best let their customers know that they are open for business.  Here we take a look at how digital and content marketing is really making a difference.

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Diary of a PR person working from home

We're living in unprecedented times, but our PR and digital marketing team are continuing to service clients whilst working from home.  Read how one of our team is surviving the lockdown.

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